Ai Powered Dental Monitoring
GS ORTHODONTICS - AI-powered Dental Monitoring

Ai Powered Dental Monitoring

After you’ve visited the practice in person and you have a treatment plan in place, you can choose the lightweight ScanBoxpro Dental Monitoring system. Simply attach your smartphone to the kit and send intraoral scans to the app. From wherever and whenever.

Patients who use the DentalMonitoring system can upload their scans, get notifications and receive instructions from your orthodontist.

See how your treatment is progressing with our before and after smile evolution feature.

Ai Powered Dental Monitoring
Dental Monitoring

Scan & Send Images From Home

From the comfort of your own home you can scan images using your smartphone and send them directly to the patient app. The app analyses, sorts and crops the images for you.

The app has a two-way communication between you and your orthodontist for appointment scheduling. You may also receive notes on the images you have uploaded.

Benefits of Using the App

  • Reduce the need to take off work to come to your practice.
  • Keep treatment on track, boost motivation.
  • Optimise completion time, get ahead of the need for refinements.
  • Experience a seamless patient journey.

Ai Powered Orthodontics

Our Ai platform is the first and only in the industry to redefine the way we monitor your orthodontic treatment. It can analyse images and 3D files, estimate tooth movement, and create photo-realistic simulations using your own teeth.

Over time, you can monitor the progress of your treatment with our photo time lapse technology that shows you how your teeth are moving towards your goal.

Ready, set, smile! Contact the practice for more details on Dental Monitoring.

Scan & Send Images From Home

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