Damon System® Clear Braces
GS ORTHODONTICS - Damon® System Premier Provider

Damon System® Clear Braces

The Damon System uses a patented slide mechanism to connect archwires to the bracket while allowing the wire to move freely. The Damon System reduces friction and improves oral hygiene by eliminating elastic ties.

The light, gentle forces used by the Damon System promote efficient tooth movement and help improve oral health by preserving tooth roots. Lighter forces also help prevent undue gum recession and tooth loss.

Contact us for a custom treatment plan that’s right for you.

Spark® Clear Aligners
Damon® System Premier Provider

Virtually Invisible Braces For Your Teeth

Virtually invisible, Damon Clear has clear advantages over traditional braces and aligners. Damon Clear is part of the innovative Damon System, which combines tieless braces with high technology archwires.

Damon Clear

These clear braces are perfect for those who want a more discrete option than the metal braces. This innovative system combines tieless braces with high technology archwires that are clinically proven to move teeth fast and comfortably with truly spectacular results.

Best of Traditional Clear Braces

Damon Clear combines the best of traditional clear braces and invisible aligners to deliver a discrete treatment experience with results that go beyond straight teeth.

Damon System® Clear Braces

Damon™ System Braces (not clear)

Damon system braces use a slide mechanism to hold the wire, which allows teeth to move more freely. Designed to be discreet and easy to keep clean, a whole new way of treating patients.

The absence of elastics/active clips help facilitate brushing make dental hygiene easy during treatment.

Fixed Stainless Steel Braces

These braces are usually made from stainless steel and they are the most common type of braces used for the treatment of children although they are also used by adults.

Traditional wire braces are the standard braces used in NHS funded treatment.

Can I apply for finance towards the cost of my treatment?
Yes we provide simple finance solutions with affordable monthly repayments.
Affordable Finance Plans

Affordable Plans

Once you have discussed your treatment with your orthodontist and agreed the cost, we will send you the application details to apply online. The application can be completed in the comfort of your home or within the practice.

Our finance options provide simple and affordable ways to spread the cost of your treatment with no up front cost.

Find out more in our Finance page

Affordable Finance Plans

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